KLA Media Group was created due to the disconnect most creatives and small businesses experience when taking their ideas mainstream.
The Pain Point: Businesses, Indie Filmmakers & Creatives Need Marketing and Public Relations but Most Can’t Afford it
Most public relations professionals require a minimum 3-6 month engagement in order to take on a new client and this isn’t a budget most startups or creatives can sustain. This 3-6 month commitment isn’t designed to bilk you or absorb all of your marketing and PR budget. The reality is that this is the minimum amount of time a public relations professional will need in order to not only tell your unique story but pitch it to media.
This is why most creatives, and indie filmmakers in particular, feel past public relations efforts have been a “waste of time” or that the publicist was ineffective or not doing their job. The disconnect is the amount of time needed to get your project seeded in the media and the budget you’re working with don’t align.
This is where KLA Media Group comes in to help: we provide insight and strategies to help you get your film and business out into the world and read about.
Contact us.
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is today. The same is true with marketing and public relations for your indie film or small business.